How It Works

1. Review Options Below

Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the starter options and any upgrades that may be applicable for your website.

2. Complete Request Form

Next fill out our request form. This form will allow you to provide us with the necessary information to begin assembling your website.

3. Schedule Meeting

Once, you have submitted your request you will receive an email to schedule a phone meeting (can opt in for in person).

4. Consultation

The website engineer and the client will discuss website specifics, agreements will be signed and half of the project fee will be paid at this time. This will also serve as the time that the client will present the materials necessary for the project. A timeline will be presented to the client estimating a date of completion dependent on project specifics.

5.Final Payment & Website Completion

As the date of completion approaches an email will be sent previewing the website, confirming completion, and requesting final payment. The website will be delivered upon receiving final payment.


Starter Website


* 4 Page Layout includes Home, Services, About, and Contact page
